Zubair Hasan, Economist, An Author, University Professor

Zubair Hasan - Award Winning Indian Economist

Professor Dr. Zubair Hasan and Award Winning Indian Economist and acclaimed author who has taught at the University of Delhi, and the International Islamic University of Malaysia. He joined INCEIF, the Global University of Education in Islamic Finance, as a Professor of Islamic Economics and Finance in 2008. He has published numerous articles, commentaries and book reviews in academic journals of repute on topics in economics and finance. In recognition of his numerous contributions, Prof. Dr. Hasan was awarded the prestigious Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prize in Islamic Economics in 2009.


Professor Emeritus of Economics and Finance. INCEIF, the Global University of Islamic Finance Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Also associated as a Visiting Professor of Islamic Finance with the faculty of Management of the Maulana Abul Kalam Urdu University, Hyderabad, India.

He has been in the university level teaching for the last 58 years; has taught 23 courses and introduced 8 new ones at the IIUM and worked as the main supervisor for a number of students who got their PhD in good time- one thesis Methodology of Economics – Secular versus Islamic by Waleed Addas has been published by the Research Management Centre of the IIUM. Three Master’s theses and 20 project papers have been supervised in addition.

Economist Zubair Hasan Award Presentation


6TH INCEIF Convocation
Held In 2016
Zubair Hasan Speech- Presentation as an invitee in the Panel Discussion on Gold Dinar: Fantasy vs Reality, November 11, 2011

Various Conferences

Spoken In 45+ Conferences All Over The World.
